Alexandra Redoubt


Alexandra Redoubt was built by the 65th Regiment in July 1863 on a site overlooking a sweeping bend in the Waikato River. Its construction coincided with the British invasion of Waikato, where Maori tribes co-ordinated by the Kingitanga (King Movement) were resisting pressure to sell land for Pakeha settlement. Troops based at the redoubt provided cover for military convoys on the river and restricted the movement of Kingitanga warriors towards Auckland.

In the 1860s troops reached the river down 365 steps. There was no fighting at the redoubt, but on 7 September 1863 eight men died during a Kingite raid on the Camerontown depot, on the banks of the river a few kilometres downstream. This raid temporarily severed the British supply lines. Colour Sergeant Edward McKenna was awarded a Victoria Cross and promoted after he managed to lead his cut-off party back to the redoubt without further loss.

The site is located on Alexandra Redoubt Rd, off River Road, 2 km south of Tuakau.

Current Day

The redoubt is in good condition, with ditches and banks clearly visible. There are several graves and a monument within its perimeter. Walking tracks lead through the nearby bush and down to the river.

The Redoubt offers amazing views up and down the Waikato river as well as some Geo Caching locations